
Warehouse TERRADA and others have invested in Neuesik, which operates the popular fashion rental service "airCloset".

Warehouse TERRADA (President: Yoshihisa Nakano) and Neuesik (Representative Director: Satoshi Amanuma) have agreed to form a stronger alliance to grow and expand the fashion rental service "airCloset".
Specifically, Warehouse TERRADA will undertake a third-party allotment of capital that Neuesik has implemented to obtain the funds necessary for the latest business expansion, make an investment, and support the growth and expansion of services in various aspects. At the same time, we also received investment from the fashion industry, including angel investors. The funds raised this time will be used to strengthen the management base and hire core human resources.

Warehouse TERRADA and others have invested in Neuesik, which operates the popular fashion rental service "airCloset". Strengthen the management base and promote the recruitment of core human resources.